Friday, November 20, 2009


After experiencing Twitter for a few days, I have to say that it is not something that I personally like. I have to admit that I prefer facebook much better. I think I like the personal connection that I find with facebook much better than Twitter. I can look at my friends pictures and make comments directly to them. Twitter doesn't allow for all of that. I also find locating people much easier on facebook. I will continue to play with Twitter for a while. Who knows, I may eventually prefer it over facebook.

1 comment:

  1. Kelly,
    Twitter is one of those things that people are like take it or leave it. And thats cool. The same is true with a lot of things in tech. We find sites and services that work really well for us and some that are like what's the point. And that is what makes learning so much fun, the discovery!

    Keep up the great work!
