Wednesday, November 18, 2009


After examining Technorati, I found several blogs that would be interesting to follow. I typed in "recipes" and was able to find several blogs that would be helpful to me as a cook. On the downside, lots of other blogs popped up that in my opinion did not even fit that category. Technorati is fun if you have the time and patience to sift through each blog to see if it is beneficial and relevant to you. However, my favorite sites are flickr and delicious. As a classroom teacher both of these sites allow me to tag things that would be useful in my classroom. The things that I tag I pick and able to quickly know that they are going to work for my students. I also feel that declicious and flickr would be "safer" than technorati because the searches do not seem as broad.

***As a side note the links to claim our blog and create a watchlist are not working.

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