Tuesday, November 10, 2009


As I examined the wikis today I began to think about how I can use them in my classroom. I really like the 2nd grade teachers idea of posting student writing on the Wiki. I am a little confused as to how she created their individual pages so that each student had their own. I have to say though that I still like blogging better because I wouldn't want just anyone to go in an change my students work. If you were working on collecting information about a topic it would be great. I am pondering how we might be able to do something with this for Thanksgiving. Possibly ask people to list their one favorite Thanksgiving food and graph the information? It would be neat to get replies from people all over the country. As a graduate student at Appalachian last year I used several wikis in my technology based classes. The professors had created the wikis with earlier classes and each new class updated the information. Therefore, as fast as the technology changed a new group would change the information. Pretty smart if you ask me!

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